
Why choose greytogreen?

Effective teams

Our clients use greytogreen to:
  • empower individuals to overcome challenges,
  • promote collaboration within and across teams,
  • facilitate authentic and constructive communication,
  • create a safe psychological space that strengthens team dynamics.


The Gallup Q12 EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT survey claims that 10 of 12 engagement drivers are related to what happens within the team and between the team and their leader.

greytogreen can support you to create a better work environment.


Our clients use greytogreen to:
  • overcome obstacles perceived in the change to come,
  • truly engage people as personal emotions and blockages become discussable,
  • strengthen resilience and the ability to cope with future disruption,
  • develop the foundation for an entrepreneurial and innovative mindset.


When given the chance, people want to be drivers of social, ecological, and economical sustainability. greytogreen supports individuals and teams to be part of the movement.

Organizational development

Our clients are using greytogreen to:
    • achieve organizational development by creating collaborative cultures,
    • prepare people for agile ways of working,
    • strengthen resilience to cope with future disruptions,
    • facilitate constructive communication and build a foundation of trust,
    • enable people to work together effectively.


By equipping individuals with the skills to embrace change and uncertainty, we help organizations build a more resilient workforce that can handle whatever challenges come their way.

Client stories

ABB, Applied Materials, BASF, Baxter, Cimpa, Dba, Energy 360, E2V, GE, Hewlett Packard, Kraft Foods, Öresundskraft, SICK Sensor Intelligence, Swiss Airlines, Swisscom, Wright, …. are some of the companies, who are using greytogreen.

Do look into the client stories below and discover, contexts and challenges
for which you could use greytogreen:

cultural alignment